
💼 How it works?

📄 Choose a Notion Page

Select the Notion page where you want to store your bookmarks. Click on the 'Share' button, then select 'Copy Link.' This action will copy the page URL to your clipboard.

🌁 Create a Notion Integration

Set up a Notion integration to enable exporting your bookmarks. Open the link below, click on 'New Integration,' then enter a name of your choice in the 'Integration Name' field. Associate the integration with your personal workspace, ensure the 'Type' is set to 'Internal,' and save your changes. This will generate a Token. Once it's created, copy the Token 🔐 to establish the connection.

Click here to Acess the integration page

🔑 Connect the Integration to Your Notion Page

After configuring the Notion integration, link it 🔗 to the selected page to enable edits on that page. Navigate to the page where you want to store your bookmarks, click on the three dots in the upper right corner ('...'), scroll down to 'Connect to,' find the integration you just created, and click 'Confirm.'

📚 Retrieve Your Kindle Highlights

Connect your Kindle 📕 to your computer 💻 and locate the highlights file at the path specified below. The filename is MyClippings.txt, which can be found in the Kindle folder.

Kindle:/documents/My Clippings.txt